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I am a passionate lecturer, teaching BA and MA courses within the framework of ethnographic methods, Anthropology of climate change, feminist STS, waste/discard studies, post/colonialism, urbanism, and human-environmental relations. I have started working as a tutor during my own studies at the Institute of Social Anthropology at Heidelberg-University in 2008 and continued to improve my ability to disseminate and co-produce knowledge in and through courses since then. I have taught courses at the Institute of Social Anthropology (Uni Heidelberg), at the study program Metropolitan Cultures (HCU Hamburg), at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology (Goethe University Frankfurt/Main) within the MA program "Science and Technology Studies", and at the Institute for Social Anthropology (ISEK, University of Zurich). Almost all MA courses were held in English, all BA seminars were in German.
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